Friday, August 24, 2012

How to play Baldurs Gate on your Android phone or Tablet

Baldur's Gate running on my Android Galaxy Note.
 This is a tutorial to install Baldur's Gate on your Android smartphone or tablet.

Step 1 - Install Baldur's Gate on your PC

Install Baldur's Gate from your CD's on your PC. Install your expansion packs & all the latest patches as if you are playing it from your PC. Installing a "No-CD" patch isn't required. 

Install GemRB from the Google Play store on your Android phone. You will need a good Android file explorer. I have found the ES File Explorer to be the best.  Run GemRB. GemRB will create a default /app-data/net.sourceforge.gemrb/ folder on your sdcard and copy some files to it. After copying files GemRB will close.
GemRB - Data Installation options